About a month ago I had Rachel evaluated by the Early Intervention agency for her speech, (or lack there of). It turns out that she is eligible for speech services. It's a great thing, they come to the house & the cost isnt so much. They started this past weekend. My thinking, it can only help her. She says a few things.. I am listing them here becausee one day I'm sure she'll ask "when did I start talking" & I will have the blog to reference.. I cant lose it this way LOL...
Her favorite word of course is DaDa or Da dee... she calls my mother Ba,, not sure where that came from, but thats her name. She knows I'm her mama but she doesnt say it.. here are some others.. & after her intital eval, she began to say a few new things.I just think she needs that push.
dog,cat,bird,ball,hot,hat,bat,no,no way, no touch, stop(wonder where shes heard those)brat(which I call the cat) book,apple,&juice,up,down,sit, bee,set-go & poop.
She's really good at her animal sounds.. she can identify almost everything in her books but she just doesnt say them yet.. she can make the dog, cat, sheep,snake,horse,cow,monkey,bee & lion.
I am just hoping the speeech therapy begins to work soon..