Friday, November 30, 2007

getting ready to see Rachel

hello everyone,
well, 4 more days till we get to meet Rachel. needless to say we are thrilled!!! I will try & post at night all the pictures from the day.. We are staying at the Westin in Guatemala City. Well, I called Verizon Wireless & they told mr that it would be $2.50 a minute to call the states, so neeless to say We wont be calling home, although its much cheaper for you guys to call me. I called Guatemala & was on the phone for about 5 minutes & it was only about 4 dollars. We would love to hear from you guys, I think they are on central time, not positive though. If you dont have a long distance carrier like me you would dial 1016868 then 011 502 2333 3000.
We welcome all the phione calls..

talk to you all soon


Xadie's Journey said...

Alex, I can't wait to see pix of you holding your baby girl, Rachel, for the first time EVER! It is such an amazing experience. Hope you have a safe trip.

Jaimee said...

Alex, I'm sooooo excited for you! Have you thought about signing up on Skype? It's sooo easy to do if you have a laptop. I think you even get 10 free minutes. We used it from Guatemala and called for less than $.10/minute. It worked perfectly. Download it and make a test call before you leave. Other people with skype can call you too. It's completely free to download it.
