well Rachel finally learned that its ok to nap.. she took her first nap on friday that was longer than 10 minutes.. Friday nite & sat nite she slept all the way through WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO or so I thought... last nite it was every 2 hours all night long.. at least she didnt scream bloody murder like the past 2 weeks..
Shes still in the pack n play so someone else in my house figured, hey if noone is using the crib, I might as well..
On thursday we had our 1st PP visit. it went well. didnt know she was coming till 245pm & she came at 330. we tried to set up our appt & she said is it ok if I come now? Whatever!!! at least thats over with..
All of rachels bloodwork is coming back great..
Hey at least someone in your house is getting some sleep.. Nice to see the crib used..LOL Hope things continue to go well with the sleeping..
I hope she starts sleeping better for you!! You may have a hard time kicking the cat out of the crib! She seems like she likes the exersaucer...Miranda is in hers as I type...:)
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